Monday, August 20, 2018

21st August - Greater than Death

I believed there was..
no sorrow greater than death..
I am after-all that person who has slipped into several depressions over the past 6 years.. I had asked my father how he was coping with the loss of his son and wife.. He would remind me, he had lost his parents, his brothers and a sister before this..

Loss of a loved one is an agony so deep, it stays till your very last breath, death affects you, changes you, life is never the same.. He would say, each loss tore his soul some more, he would grow numb. But he would never give up on the lives that dependent on him.. never gave up on me and himself..

Life is cruel because it can show how also beautiful it could be.. death, accidents and diseases are all parts of life, we are all, part of a cycle of life and death.. we live on, in other's memories, in our doings and accomplishments during the life we have led.. for this one has to lead a life first.. He said, the greatest sorrow, is not death itself, but the impairment of lives that it brings. A person with no desire to live, who is dying while still alive, is a greater distress than death.. this is something, he never chose to be..

Today is the death anniversary of my father. Before he died, 21st august was celebrated, as it is my mother's birthday. In the 2 years that I have been living without him, I have been dysfunctional and miserable, but when ever I hit a low, I reminded myself of his words.. I have not come this far to only come this far..

It is true, he lives in me, in my actions, in my cautions, I think of him a lot..
I have begun to take small steps every now and then to change some habits,
to achieve little goals, but make some progress.

Trixie, my dog, her presence has helped me a great deal in waking up.. and being functional every day since I have got her. I am beginning to understand how a life dependent on you does not let you give up.. I feel there is a long way to go before I start taking care of myself the way I want to.. But I already firmly realize I am beginning to live, I am on the path to a kind of inner peace.. dealing with years of depression is very hard, but if there is one thing that anybody going through a similar ordeal needs to have.. is an incentive to stay strong.. to accept reality and to understand that time moves on, and healing may never really happen, but we can carry on forward with the memories of our families.. my family has been my greatest strength, still is in many ways..
So, I refuse to curl up and wither.. that is not the woman my father raised me to be..

I miss my father dearly, every day and admittedly, much more today..
with time, I recognize an inner strength to persist and live.
with my trophies and my scars alike..
until the day I actually die, I will continue to live the best I can.
I also see a certain audacity to survive, grow inside of me.. that desire to do something.. accomplish something.. is also paramount to getting over depression.. living is after all, more than just breathing.. once you understand that, you begin to value your health, your heritage, your time and efforts..

my father, I find, is teaching me today to live and be brave like he was when he was alive..

this day,
I count my blessings again for having a dad like you.. I wish, when its my time, I would have grown to be as wise and profound as you.. and have a chance to complete my own circle of life and death.
Love you Dad.

Friday, August 3, 2018

wilting branches

Its too bright, I squint, my thoughts a din.
I roll back and slush my breath onto the warm throws of a kind of comfort..
Its still too bright.. what time is it? does it matter? Its been still forever..
The tired mornings and the dragging mid days..
a wee bit of hope surfaces in the evening..
only to be reminded by the lonely pits of night..
that I might just age in a limbo.

Like a spectator of my own life..
sometimes agitated by a myriad of emotions, I don't really comprehend.
But mostly just watching silently,
as everything I imagined of life slips away..

I blink, there are no tears.
I stare at the neglected plants,
wilting away in the sun,
the leaves have turned yellow..
the branches have sloped..
hey..its dying..
Am I dying?

With no intention to live, to wake up, to move,
to do anything with any amount of interest..
like there is no life in this living..
I am indeed.. dying..
what's that, I broke a tear.. !

I sit up and tear down the dying branches of the stalk,
like by doing that its no longer a remainder of its corpse-ly state..
Oh my neck hurts and my back too, I haven't really moved for days..
I stand up, there is definitely a headache and some hunger..
I hope the bread has not turned stale.

I drink a glass of water and another.
I bring over the third and pour it onto the plant I almost uprooted.
The pot soaked it up so there was no percolation below.
I added some more water..
If its still alive, maybe it will sprout a leaf in few days..

I realize I just did something different,
I had not watered my plants or what's left of it now, in weeks..
Its nothing in the scale of progress, but its certainly something.
Time is no longer looping or being stagnant..
Maybe tomorrow I could do something more..
Maybe tomorrow will be better than today,
like today has already been better than yesterday..