Friday, May 31, 2019

why telling a 'NO', is important!

Never say 'maybe', when you meant a 'no',
It may not be easy, but the clarity of a 'no',
is far reaching than you may fathom..

a 'no', to a parent, who might be ambitious for you,
in ways you may never be for yourself..
for, we cannot live our lives through others,
even if they are, our children, an extension of our identity..

a 'no', to a sibling, maybe in love,
but dictate a path, not akin to our own ideals..
for everybody defines their sense of happiness..
a sense of stability, from their own experiences..
and unique perceptions of it..

a 'no', to a friend, who may define friendship,
as blind loyalty or conformation of their social norms..
for who else, we find reasonable or enjoyable..
or what we deem acceptable,
has nothing to do with the people we already chose to cherish..

a 'no', to a colleague, who estimates what is best for us..
for success and how we reach of what we see it as..
the definition of whats moral and whats bendable..
is as diverse as the skin we come in..
one.. does not fit all..

a 'no', to a lover, who loves us in parts..
maybe, for the best of what we can offer..
because a state of acceptance, is not just in the good times..
of how far and high, you are willing to go..
but for a sense of respect that you display in your restraint,
in your resilience and magnanimity as a human being..

a 'no', to your confidant,
in whom we might have shared our deepest, darkest hours..
if they try to control you, or deem whats right for you..
or use any information against you..
for emotional support is just that..
it does not come with a privilege of oversight..
advice is not the same as management..
its a choice to be respectfully made..
anybody who fails to see how far you have come..
how strong you have grown through your trials..
seeks to handle you, rather than..
just be a confidant, deserves a resounding, 'no'..

telling 'no', is sometimes more of an assertion than a, 'yes'..
to be true to who you are and to honor your own journey in life..
to never consciously settle into the habits of the past..
to practice the lessons we learnt,
and be a better person,
firstly for yourself,
and then, for those around you,
it is important, to speak clarity,
and disagree, diverge, debate, question,
what ever is that, that you dint buy into..

it is this consistent practice of honesty..
that may well enable lasting solutions,
to many of our dis-accords..
and help pave a path of a true equilibrium,
that may work for more than just ourselves..

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